All hail mighty mother nature! Whenever she strikes, she leaves a path of devastation, and a hailstorm is one of her weapons of mass destruction. A deluge of hailstones can cause extensive damage to your car’s body. The boot, windscreen, bonnet, and boot are the most likely areas to suffer severe hail damage. Fortunately, RPS Dent Specialist, LLC’s trained technicians can help replace broken windshields and fix dents should your car sustain such damage from a hailstorm. These automotive specialists can successfully restore your car’s pre-hail condition at our auto body repair facility.


Not all smash repair services and panel beaters in Dundalk specialize in hail damage analysis and repairs or have the expertise and techniques required to reverse the impact of the hail on your vehicle. As with researching most professional services, it’s crucial to choose the right hail damage expert to inspect your vehicle.


In Dundalk, hail damage is common during hailstorms. Severe weather might hit when you least expect it. But you don’t have to deal with the consequential vehicle damage on your own. RPS Dent Specialist, LLC, takes a holistic approach to determine the extent of hail damage and implement the right repair technique. Trained to manage all forms of storm damage, our technicians inspect the car roof’s lining, front and rear windows, and the necessary interior hardware. They also check for unseen damage and assess the vehicle’s overall road worthiness before they perform any repairs.


Accurate inspection reports help our technicians to determine the necessary repairs, overall repair approach, and the essentials tools to be used. In Dundalk, hail damage reports also help determine whether or not the vehicle owner should contact your insurer. Severe hail damage can rake up repair costs, and the last thing you want is to spend thousands of dollars when your insurer can finance these repairs.